Thursday, May 23, 2013

Watergate Scandal by Connor R.

                                                            WaterGate Scandal .
          The Wategate Scandal was a decisive blow to the public trust with the U.S. government, Richard Nixion was dishonest President and had secret tapes of White House meetings and negotiations. Congress in the end began the impeachment process of Nixion and before it could pass he resigned from Presidency and leaving Vice President Ford to take office

Monday, May 20, 2013

Credit Page

Credit Page

(3) political cartoons
Music picture collage
~~~ COREY~~~

Interview (2)
~~~JAMES M.~~~~

Interview (1)
~~~Andrew W.~~~

War timeline
~~~Curtis J.~~~

Watergate timeline & link
~~~Connor R.~~~

Interview with a Vietnam War veteran (anonymous)

Q: Tell me about your reactions to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Were you afraid?

A: I was naturally very concerned, considering how close they were to the United States. I had no doubt that they would use the missiles eventually. I was afraid, but even more so I was angry.

Q: What do you remember about Lyndon Johnson?

A: He certainly worked on the war effort, but his domestic programs were too much to deal with in addition. His focus was detached from the war, and this puts much of the responsibility of our failure on his shoulders.

Q: Did you consider yourself a Hawk or a Dove?

A: I was young, reckless, and patriotic at the time. A good friend of mine lost his legs in the war, and that helped motivate me to join the fight. I was the definition, in essence, of a Hawk. The first chance I got I enlisted in the Marine Corps - at the age of seventeen. That became my career for thirty years.

Q: What type of music did you listen to during the 60's and early 70's?

A: I liked the western-type music, which was more conservative than ear-popping rock n' roll. Being young, I was more modern in my interests than the previous generation, but the radical culture never appealed to me. The music I listened to was more swingy - stuff you could really dance to.

Q: Tell me what you remember about the moon landing in July, 1969?

A: When I first found out about the program, I was in awe of the idea of people leaving Earth to venture into space and ultimately land on the moon. It didn't seem possible. During the mission, anyone in America could feel the tension, and just as anybody else, I was nervous to find out if they were going to make it. The news of the successful moon landing amazed me and made me feel a great pride in our country.

Analysis of the Great Society

     President Johnson's Great Society was an admirable quest for a better America, but it was poorly planned and shallow-rooted. The foundation for the federal programs was not strong and was doomed to crumble eventually.
     The Great Society was LBJ's vision of a more equitable and prosperous America. He noticed that despite the overall economic stability of the nation, there was a lot of poverty. To decrease this and improve the living quality of minorities, Johnson employed several federal programs providing: health and welfare, education, a "war on poverty", and consumer and environmental protection. As a continuation of Franklin D. Roosevelt's work, Johnson created several agencies and had congress pass acts regarding social progress. Medicare and Medicaid, for example, were made to provide health insurance for the elderly and economic minorities. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Higher Education Act, and Project Head Start are some other examples of educational programs.
     The primary source of error in the Great Society was the same as in the New Deal: direct government spending. When the Federal government dishes out money to all the people who don't have enough, it bypasses the layered system of delegation. In other words, it attempts to go straight to the end result instead of taking some time to work through business and other mediums essential to capitalism. This causes the money to be spent fast and inefficiently rather than expanding it into a more sustainable source. Direct, constant spending forces the government to budget everything nervously, increase taxes, and continually struggle for control of business and market interests. What the federal government should do is kick start the engine when needed, then let the private sector run it from there on. Always giving needy individuals money often causes them to rely on government pay instead of use it to get on their feet. A crutch is temporary - it allows the injured leg to heal. But if you hold on to it for too long, you forget how to walk without it. Most of Johnson's programs were temporary patches for domestic problems, and they cost too much money in a time of war.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Vietnam War Era Multimedia Timeline

     The Vietnam War era, lasting from 1954 to 1975, was a time of disarray in America. The United States initially entered the conflict in Vietnam with the intention to assist France and South Vietnam in their struggle against the communist supporters of the North. However, this police action resulted in a full war against the Vietcong, led by Ho Chi Minh, and it seemed like it could never be won. Although the opposing forces lost more men, both sides suffered astonishing casualties.
     The bloody battles across the pacific ocean caused extreme ideological conflict on the home front, and triggered one of the most radical cultural reforms in modern history. The "Hippie Movement", which became very popular among the youth of the time, changed many people's social lifestyles
and political opinions. Coupled with the pains of mentally scarred veterans returning to an unwelcoming nation and the already strong tensions due to the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam war was tremendously unpopular. All the confusion made people unsure of what they were fighting for. The presidencies of the time were diverse in the fact that they were both successful and detrimental, involving everything from social reforms and federal policy changes to extremely controversial events tied to the White House. For better or for worse, nearly every president of the era made decisions regarding the fight against communism that many still question today. Added up, all the issues of the time created a vast division of the American People.   

Interviewer: James McCulley
Interviewed: James Sidebotham
Back round: born before WW2, Served in Korea, Sheriff's Dept. deputy for 33 years

Did you protest the Vietnam war or partake in any anti-military protest?
 No, I was always supportive of our troops and didn't hold an opinion of the war. I just wanted our troops to come home safely.
Did you have friends or family members that did drugs during this time?
I had a couple of my brothers do drugs but I refused to do any of it. It wasn't worth losing my job over
What was your opinion of the behavior of people back then?
They were out of control and thought they were all above the law. A lot of the "hippies" were just a bunch of weed smoking idiots who ended up dead from stupid choices.
Do you think more should've been done to help the returning troops with PTSD?
Yes, they were left out in the cold by the American people.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

political cartoon

this political cartoon depicts the citizens view of the war as the U.S. as a tyrannical power destroying the homes of the natives.

Political cartoon

 this is an example of  how little the administration back home knew about the war. Soldiers of Vietcong forces fought back with all their will power



Thursday, May 2, 2013

#3 Political cartoons

   This political cartoon is a visual description of how the administration pampered the war effort and let the urban needs get out of control and ignored.