Thursday, June 6, 2013

Work cited

Veitnam war summary

Vietnam Summery

The story behind Vietnam starts when the communist party started to invade southern Vietnam. Once this happened the United States was altered of this and they sprung into action. The first fear for the U.S. was, if southern Vietnam fell, so to would the other nations, so the U.S. had to take control of the situation, and fast. Nixon, the president at the time, went forth and sent our troops thousands of miles to stop this outbreak of communism. Once there our troops had to fight an enemy we have ever yet to face, gorilla warfare. The Vietcong Used tricks such as, shallow bamboo sharpened stumps with feces on them, snipers in trees, ambush, and manny others. As the war raged in far away countries Nixon was settling things here at home by making good deals with soviet leaders and such. Much later as we started to realize that they would not give up, we decided to abandon Vietnam, for in reality it was a near pointless war, that no one lost. Our troops were not welcomed home as heros but as monsters that fought a pointless war. But the new President made great speeches making the U.S. over see the vietnam war and Nixon's watergate scandal making the U.S. a better place overall.

~ By

Curtis Jorgenson II

War Poems

War Poems

Life as we know it has always had war,
and frankly for the most of us it has become a bore.
Both the men and women have become sour
of this hernias lore.
Weather it be fighting here,
or there,
or anywhere.
We have all become sour,
so let us resolve all of our wars.
so we can all walk, a different tour.

War fighting here,
war fighting there.
Just put down the guns,
the body count is in the hundreds of tones.We should end this now.
Maybe we can go out and learn how to raise a cow?
And if that is to hard for you,
then i will sit here eating stew,
until you do!

So many people lost,
its like they were all just tossed.
Were they fighting for a cause?
Or were they just following our laws.
Who can say during this age.
i mean, we are already in this cage.
I guess one day we will all find out,
but for many, this is what they doubt.

What is the cost for which we fight,
is it for love or for might.
will we one day see the light?
or even, with our children, maybe fly a kite.
Oh but our poor little tike.
he will have to fight,
for our might.

What would you like to be?
oh? a solider such as me?
Are you sure? being one does not have much glee.
Just remember to stay tight.
And always give it a fight.
Even in the dead of night!
So follow me!
And you will see,
that being a solider is no cup of tea!

~ By,

Curtis Jorgenson II